The Rector:
Canon Roy Byrne
– Tel: 01 280 6596 / 086 346 7920

– Email:

Pastoral Care Committee:
Valerie Duncan – Tel: 087 6400 542

Shirley Thornton – Tel: 086 354 9866

Parish Office & Knox Hall Administrator:
Liz Neill-Watson – (Monday – Friday 10.00 – 1300)
Tel: 01/2147714 / 087 979 1072


You Tube Link for live streaming services:

View here

Dear parishioners and friends,

Organists:        Last Sunday we remembered in our prayers the work of Church Music Dublin and the organists who play week by week in the churches up and down the country. This morning Natalie is away, and we are delighted to welcome Siobhan Kilkelly back to the Monkstown organ stool.  Thank you, Siobhan, for taking time to be with us and welcome back!

Alice Leahy Trust: Thank you to all who have donated items for the above so far this year.  We were at Trust HQ  this week and Alice and her team are always delighted to receive a delivery from Monkstown.  We will resume our collection for Trust in September and keep you up to date on what is required. Many thanks.   Valerie and Gordon Duncan 

Heritage Week:  Jean Boydell has prepared a volunteer sheet that can be signed by those who are willing to volunteer during Heritage Week. The church is open for visitors in the afternoons of Heritage Week, and we need help to welcome our guests. This year Heritage Week runs from Saturday 17 August to Sunday 25 August and Monkstown Church will be open from 3:00pm to 5:00pm on those days for visitors.

Pet Service:  Our annual service of blessing for working and other animals will take place on Sunday 1 September at 3:00pm. On the day we hope to be joined by our friends from the Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind and the Blue Cross Animal Charity.  Our animal friends may not be used to attending church services, and indeed for some of them, it might be a rather strange experience!  Following the service there will be an opportunity outside (weather permitting) for having your pets individually blessed by the clergy and to take some photographs.

Art and Craft Exhibition:         The Annual art and craft exhibition in aid of the Schoolhouse restoration appeal will be held from Friday 30 August – Sunday 1 September 2024. If you wish to exhibit, please contact Liz Neill-Watson, phone:  2147714 for an application form. At the time of writing, we are unsure whether the exhibition will be held in the Knox Hall or in the Schoolhouse but this will be resolved nearer the time.

The Sick:  We continue our prayers in the parish for all who are unwell and the recently bereaved. We also remember those who are in hospital currently and those who are recovering at home from serious illness. Our hearts go out to all who are in need of our continued prayers and support, and we pray that you may have a real sense of the love that surrounds you.

On-line Banking: It would greatly assist our parish treasurer if you would please fill in the line describing what your donation is for and your name also. Sometimes donations are given online without any information provided and it is very difficult to work out who the donor is.

Cabinet of Curiosities: The glass cabinet at the back of the church contains antique and collectable items and we are selling these in aid of the schoolhouse restoration fund. New items are added as they are donated to us, so please keep an eye out, as the stock changes frequently. Please ask one of the churchwardens or Liz if you would like access to the cabinet. Money from the sale of items should be placed in the wooden schoolhouse donation box.

Schoolhouse Restoration:    Parishioners, friends and well-wishers may like to contribute to the fundraising appeal for the Schoolhouse restoration. Our bank details are as follows: Account Name: Monkstown Parish Church Business Current Account. Account no:   86014381. IBAN  IE 17 BOFI 9011 8386 0143 81. You may prefer to send a cheque, made payable to ‘Monkstown Parish Church’ and send it to Winton Lodge, 62 Monkstown Road, Monkstown, Co Dublin. Please indicate that your donation is for the Schoolhouse Restoration Fund.

General Financial Support: Thank you for your continued financial support of the parish and for remembering that our work of ministry continues week after week and year after year. We appreciate your generous and supportive giving. There is a collection at every service in the church. Donations to parish funds may also be posted by cheque made payable to ‘Monkstown Parish Church’ to me here at Winton Lodge if you do not have access to online banking. Our Bank of Ireland bank details are: Account Name: Monkstown Parish Church Business Current Account. Account no: 86014381. IBAN IE 17 BOFI 9011 8386 0143 81. If any of our envelope subscribers wish to talk to Ruth Carnegie, she may be contacted at 087 4339367. We now have a direct payment button on the parish website for those who would like to utilize this facility

With love and prayers  Roy